See you at DebConf 9
24 July 2009

I will pick up my car and embark myself into a 8-hour trip to reach Cáceres tomorrow in the evening, after 699 km of road trip. The goal: attending (and enjoying!) the ninth edition of the Debian Conference, which has already started. As I do not know exactly the arrival time, I will skip the dinner tomorrow, but I will do my best to be at the Cheese & wine party and bringing some “tetilla” (small breast) cheese from Galicia, which has a funny shape as you can imagine:

I am looking forward to be there tomorrow, as this will be my first time at a big community event and it really looks like this kind of things are really interesting and a great opportunity to get in touch with latest developments, learning lots of new stuff, and meeting people from all around the world… The latter is a must for me, as I will not know anyone there because there will be no more Igalians attending the conference. So if you will be there from 25th to 30th feel free to approach me and have some chat.
Last, but not least, shell scripters (and anyone interested) may want to know that have a slot in the unofficial track for a lecture on Shaft, a tool which we have been using lately to do declarative unit testing of shell scripts. I am just now polishing the slides, preparing a couple of examples and preparing the code for release.
See you there!