Identifying Layer-7 packet flows in SnabbWall
26 April 2016
Spring is here already, the snow has melted a while ago, and it looks like a good time to write a bit about network traffic flows, as promised in my previous post about ljndpi. Why so? Well, looking at network traffic and grouping it into logical streams between two endpoints is something that needs to be done for SnabbWall, a suite of Snabb applications which implement a Layer-7 analyzer and firewall which Igalia is developing with sponsorship from the NLnet Foundation.

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Going With the Flow
Any sequence of related network packets between two hosts can be a network traffic flow. But not quite so: the exact definition may vary, depending on the level at which we are working. For example, an ISP may want to consider all packets between the pair of hosts —regardless of their contents— as part of the same flow in order to account for transferred data in metered connections, but for SnabbWall we want “application-level” traffic flows. That is: all packets generated (or received) by the same application should be classified into the same flow.
But that can get tricky, because even if we looked only at TCP traffic from one application, it is not possible just map a single connection to one flow. Take FTP for example: in active mode it uses a control connection, plus an additional data connection, and both should be considered part of the same flow because both belong to the same application. On the other side of the spectrum are web browsers like the one you are probably using to read this article: it will load the HTML using one connection, and then other related content (CSS, JavaScript, images) needed to display the web page.
In SnabbWall, the assignment of packets to flows is done based on the following fields from the packet:
- 802.1Q VLAN tag.
- Source and destination IP addresses.
- Source and destination port numbers.
The VLAN tag is there to force classifying packets with the same source and destination but in different logical networks in separate packet flows. As for port numbers, in practice these are only extracted from packets when the upper layer protocol is UDP or TCP. There are other protocols which use port numbers, but they are deliberately left out (for now) because either nDPI does not support them, or they are not widely adopted (SCTP comes to mind).
Some Implementation Details
Determining the flow to which packets belong is an important task which is performed for each single packet scanned. Even before packet contents are inspected, they have to be classified.
Handling flows is split in two in the SnabbWall packet scanner: a generic implementation inspects packets to extract the fields above (VLAN tag, addresses, ports) and calculates a unique flow key from them, while backend-specific code inspects the contents of the packet and identifies the application for a flow of packets. Once the generic part of the code has calculated a key, it can be used to keep tables which associate additional data to each flow. While SnabbWall has only one backend which at the moment which uses nDPI, this split makes it easier to add others in the future.
For efficiency —both in terms of memory and CPU usage— flow keys are
represented using a C struct
. The following snippet shows the one for IPv4
packets, with a similar one where the address fields are 16 bytes wide being
used for IPv6 packets:
ffi.cdef [[
struct swall_flow_key_ipv4 {
uint16_t vlan_id;
uint8_t __pad;
uint8_t ip_proto;
uint8_t lo_addr[4];
uint8_t hi_addr[4];
uint16_t lo_port;
uint16_t hi_port;
} __attribute__((packed));
local flow_key_ipv4 = ffi.metatype("struct swall_flow_key_ipv4", {
__index = {
hash = make_cdata_hash_function(ffi.sizeof("struct swall_flow_key_ipv4")),
The struct
is laid out with an extra byte of padding, to ensure that its
size is a multiple of 4. Why so? The hash function (borrowed from the
module) used for flow keys works on inputs with sizes multiple of 4 bytes
because calculations are done in a word-by-word basis. In Lua the hash value
for userdata values is their memory address, which makes them all different
to each other: defining our own hashing function allows using the hash values
as keys into tables, instead of the flow key itself. Let’s see how this works
with the following snippet, which counts per-flow packets:
local flows = {}
while not ended do
local key = key_from_packet(read_packet())
if flows[key:hash()] then
flows[key:hash()].num_packets = flows[key:hash()].num_packets + 1
flows[key:hash()] = { key = key, num_packets = 1 }
If we used the key
s themselves instead of key:hash()
for indexing the
table, this wouldn’t work because the userdata for the new key is
created for each packet being processed, which means that keys with the same
content created for different packets would have different hash values (their
address in memory). On the other hand, the :hash()
method always returns the
same value keys with the same contents.
Highs and Lows
You may be wondering why our flow key struct
has its members named
, hi_addr
, lo_port
and hi_port
. It turns out that in packets
which belong to the same application travel between two hosts in both
directions. Let’s consider the following:
- Host A, with address
. - Host B, with address
. - A web browser from A connects (using randomly assigned port
) to host B, which has an HTTP server running in port80
The sequence of packets observed will go like this:
# | Source IP | Destination IP | Source Port | Destination Port |
1 | | |
10205 |
80 |
2 | | |
80 |
10205 |
3 | | |
10205 |
80 |
4 | … | … | … | … |
If the flow key fields would be src_addr
, dst_addr
and so on, the first
and second packets would be classified in separate flows — but they belong in
the same one! This is sidestepped by sorting the addresses and ports of each
packet when calculating its flow key. For the example connection above, all
packets involved have
as the “low IP address” (lo_addr
as the “high IP address” (hi_addr
), 80
as the “low port”
), and 10205
as the “high port” (hi_port
) — effectively
classifying all the packets into the same flow.
This translates into some minor annoyance in the nDPI scanner backend because nDPI expects us to pass a pair of identifiers for the source and destination hosts for each packet inspected. Not a big deal, though.
Flow(er Power)
Something we have to do for IPv6 packets is traversing the chain of extension headers to get to the upper-layer protocol and extract port numbers from TCP and UDP packets. There can be any number of extension headers, and while in practice they should never be lots, this makes the amount of work needed to derive a flow key from a packet is not constant.
The good news is that RFC 6437 specifies using the 20-bit flow label field of the fixed IPv6 header in a way that, combined with the source and destination addresses, they uniquely identify the flow of the packet. This is all rainbows and ponies, but in practice the current behaviour would still be needed: the specification considers that an all-zeroes value indicates “packets that have not been labeled”. Which means that it is still needed to use the source and destination ports as fallback. What is even worse: while forbidden by the specification, flow labels can mutate while packets are en-route without any means of verifying that the change was made. Also, it is allowed to assign a new flow label to an unlabeled packet when packets are being forwarded. Nevertheless, using the flow label may be interesting to be used instead of the port numbers when the upper layer protocol is neither TCP nor UDP. Due to the limited usefulness, using IPv6 flow labels remains unimplemented for now, but I have not discarded adding support later on.
Something Else
Alongside with the packet scanner, I have implemented the L7Spy application, and the snabb wall command during this phase of the SnabbWall project. Expect another post soon about them!