The Road to WebKit 2.26: a Six Month Retrospective
28 October 2019
Now that version 2.26 of both WPE WebKit and WebKitGTK ports have been out for a few weeks it is an excellent moment to recap and take a look at what we have achieved during this development cycle. Let’s dive in!
New Features
Emoji Picker
The GTK emoji picker has been integrated in WebKitGTK, and can be accessed
with Ctrl-Shift-;
while typing on input fields.
Data Lists
WebKitGTK now supports the <datalist>
HTML element (reference),
which can be used to list possible values for an <input>
field. Form fields
using data lists are rendered as an hybrid between a combo box and a text
entry with type–ahead filtering.
WPE Renderer for WebKitGTK
The GTK port now supports reusing components from WPE. While there are no user-visible changes, with many GPU drivers a more efficient buffer sharing mechanism—which takes advantage of DMA-BUF, if available—is used for accelerated compositing under Wayland, resulting in better performance.
Packagers can disable this feature at build time passing
to CMake, which could be needed for systems which
cannot provide the needed libwpe and WPEBackend-fdo libraries. It is
recommended to leave this build option enabled, and it might become mandatory
in the future.
In-Process DNS Cache
Running a local DNS caching service avoids doing queries to your Internet provider’s servers when applications need to resolve the same host names over and over—something web browsers do! This results in faster browsing, saves bandwidth, and partially compensates for slow DNS servers.
Patrick and Carlos have implemented a small cache inside the Network Process which keeps in memory a maximum of 400, valid for 60 seconds. Even though it may not seem like much, this improves page loads because most of the time the resources needed to render a page are spread across a handful of hosts and their cache entries will be reused over and over.

While it is certainly possible to run a full-fledged DNS cache locally (like dnsmasq or systemd-resolved, which many GNU/Linux setups have configured nowadays), WebKit can be used in all kinds of devices and operating systems which may not provide such a service. The caching benefits all kinds of systems, with embedded devices (where running an additional service is often prohibitive) benefiting the most, and therefore it is always enabled by default.
Remember Meltdown and Spectre? During this development cycle we worked on mitigations against side channel attacks like these. They are particularly important for a Web engine, which can download and execute code from arbitrary servers.
Subprocess Sandboxing
Both WebKitGTK and WPE WebKit follow a multi-process
architecture: at least there is the “UI
Process”, an application that embeds WebKitWebView
widget; the “Web Process”
, WPEWebProcess
) which performs the actual rendering, and
the “Network Process” (WebKitNetworkProcess
, WPENetworkProcess
) which
takes care of fetching content from the network and also manages caches and
Patrick Griffis has led the effort to add support in WebKit to isolate the Web Process from the rest of the system, running it with restricted access to the rest of the system. This is achieved using Linux namespaces—the same underlying building blocks used by containerization technologies like LXC, Kubernetes, or Flatpak. As a matter of fact, we use the same building blocks as Flatpak: Bubblewrap, xdg-dbus-proxy, and libseccomp. This not only makes it more difficult for a website to snoop on other processes’ data: it also limits potential damage to the rest of the system caused by maliciously crafted content, because the Web Process is where most of which it is parsed and processed.
This feature is built by default, and using it in applications is only one function call away.
Process Swap On (cross-site) Navigation is a new feature which makes it harder for websites to steal information from others: rendering of pages from different sites always takes place in different processes. In practice, each security origin uses a different Web Process (see above) for rendering, and while navigating from one page to another new processes will be launched or terminated as needed. Chromium’s Site Isolation works in a similar way.
Unfortunately, the needed changes ended up breaking a few important applications which embed WebKitGTK (like GNOME Web or Evolution) and we had to disable the feature for the GTK port just before its 2.26.0 release—it is still enabled in WPE WebKit.
Our plan for the next development cycle is keep the feature disabled by default, and to provide a way for applications to opt-in. Unfortunately it cannot be done the other way around because the public WebKitGTK API has been stable for a long time and we cannot afford breaking backwards compatibility.
This security mechanism helps protect websites against protocol downgrade attacks: Web servers can declare that clients must interact using only secure HTTPS connections, and never revert to using unencrypted HTTP.
During the last few months Claudio Saavedra has completed the support for HTTP Strict Transport Security in libsoup—our networking backend—and the needed support code in WebKit. As a result, HSTS support is always enabled.
New WebSockets Implementation
The WebKit source tree includes a cross-platform WebSockets implementation that the GTK and WPE ports have been using. While great for new ports to be able to support the feature, it is far from optimal: we were duplicating network code because libsoup also implements them.
Now that HSTS
support is in place, Claudio and Carlos decided
that it was a good moment to switch libsoup’s implementation so WebSockets can
now also benefit from it. This also made possible to provide the
RFC-7692 permessage-deflate
which enables applications to request compression of message payloads.
To ensure that no regressions would be introduced, Claudio also added support in libsoup for running the Autobahn 🛣 test suite, which resulted in a number of fixes.
During this release cycle we have deprecated the single Web Process mode, and trying to enable it using the API is a no-op. The motivation for this is twofold: in the same vein of PSON and sanboxing, we would rather not allow applications to make side channel attacks easier; not to mention that the changes needed in the code to accommodate PSON would make it extremely complicated to keep the existing API semantics. As this can potentially be trouble for some applications, we have been in touch with packagers, supporting them as best as we can to ensure that the new WebKitGTK versions can be adopted without regressions.
Another important removal was the support for GTK2 NPAPI browser plug-ins. Note that NPAPI plug-ins are still supported, but if they use GTK they must use version 3.x—otherwise they will not be loaded. The reason for this is that GTK2 cannot be used in a program which uses GTK3, and vice versa. To circumvent this limitation, in previous releases we were building some parts of the WebKit source code twice, each one using a different version of GTK, resulting in two separate binaries: we have only removed the GTK2 one. This allowed for a good clean up of the source tree, reduced build times, and killed one build dependency. With NPAPI support being sunsetted in all browsers, the main reason to keep some degree of support for it is the Flash plug-in. Sadly its NPAPI version uses GTK2 and it does not work starting with WebKitGTK 2.26.0; on the other hand, it is still possible to run the PPAPI version of Flash through FreshPlayerPlugin if needed.
Releases, Releases!
Last March we released WebKitGTK 2.24 and WPE WebKit 2.24 in sync, and the same for the current stable, 2.26. As a matter of fact, most releases since 2.22 have been done in lockstep and this has been working extremely well.

Both ports share many of their components, so it makes sense to stabilize and prepare them for a new release series at the same time. Many fixes apply to both ports, and the few that not hardly add noise to the branch. This allows myself and Carlos García to split the effort of backporting fixes to the stable branch as well—though I must admit that Carlos has often done more.
Buildroot ♥ WebKit
Those using Buildroot to prepare software images for various devices will be happy to know that packages for the WPE WebKit components have been imported a while ago into the source tree, and have been available since the 2019.05 release.
Two years ago I dusted off the webkitgtk
package, bringing it up to the most
recent version at the time, keeping up with updates and over time I have been
taking care of some of its dependencies (libepoxy
, brotli
, and woff2
) as
well. Buildroot LTS releases are now
receiving security updates, too.
Last February I had a great time meeting some of the Buildroot developers
during FOSDEM, where we had the chance of
discussing in person how to go about adding WPE WebKit packages to Buildroot.
This ultimately resulted in the addition of packages libwpe
, wpebackend-fdo
, and cog
to the tree.
My plan is to keep maintaining the Buildroot packages for both WebKit ports. I have also a few improvements in the pipeline, like enabling the sandboxing support (see this patch set) and usage of the WPE renderer in the WebKitGTK package.
Buildbot Maintenance
Breaking the Web is not fun, so WebKit needs extensive testing. The source tree includes tens of thousands of tests which are used to avoid regressions, and those are ran on every commit using Buildbot. The status can be checked at
Additionally, there is another set of builders which run before a patch has had the chance of being committed to the repository. The goal is to catch build failures and certain kinds of programmer errors as early as possible, ensuring that the source tree is kept “green”—that is: buildable. This is the EWS, short for Early Warning System, which trawls Bugzilla for new—or updated—patches, schedules builds with them applied, and adds a set of status bubbles in Bugzilla next to them. Igalia also contributes with EWS builders

Since last April there is an ongoing effort to revamp the EWS infrastructure, which is now using Buildbot as well. Carlos López has updated our machines recently to Debian Buster, then I switched them to the new EWS at This is based on Buildbot as well, which brings niceties in the user interface like being able to check the status for the GTK and for the WPE WebKit port conveniently in realtime. Most importantly, this change has brought the average build time from thirteen minutes down to eight, making the “upload patch, check EWS build status” cycle shorter for developers.
Big props to Aakash Jain, who has been championing all the EWS improvements.
One More Thing
Finally, I would like to extend our thanks to everybody who has contributed to WebKit during the 2.26 development cycle, and in particular to the Igalia Multimedia team, who have been hard at work improving our WebRTC support and the GStreamer back-end 🙇.