Moikka! Here's Adrián. I work for Igalia.

Packaging Navalplan and OpenERP 5.2 alpha

I have been packaging some stuff into .deb packages lately, and even when the packages are not perfect, I think it would be interesting to share them.

The first package, which works almost fine in Ubuntu Karmic, is for Navalplan, an application designed to improve the production management of companies from galician naval auxiliary sector (my fellow Igalians are doing a great work on it, keep rocking!). You will also need Cutycapt (i386, amd64). There are still some rough edges in the package, so for the momwnt you will need to manually symlink the PostgreSQL .jar bundle. In short, you can install this one with:

dpkg -i cutycapt_20100108_i386.deb navalplan_20100324_all.deb
apt-get install -f -y
ln -s /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc3-8.2.jar /usr/share/tomcat6/lib

The second one, which works at least in Debian Lenny and Ubuntu Karmic (may work on Lenny as well), is a package for the upcoming OpenERP 5.2 (patch). The packaging patch is a bit rough in the edges because it hardwires some Debian-specific stuff and the installation of a .desktop file in the script — but the resulting package does its job perfectly: we can install it easily and once 5.2 is officially release the official package will smoothly replace it. One final note: no special instructions are needed to install this one, apart from the usual mantra:

dpkg -i openerp-client_5.2-alpha20100324-1_all.deb
apt-get install -f -y


Note: This packages are unofficial, and contain bleeding-edge software, directly picked from the corresponding project repositories. Even when they have not been thoroughly tested, they should be pretty safe to use and most likely they will not break your system — but I cannot make a strong guarantee.